How to Create ACL Rules - DGS-3620-Series
You want to ensure that all VLANs have access to the server, whilst each VLAN can not communicate with the each other

1. default VLAN1 IP address Ports 1-8.
Server IP:
2. VLAN2 IP address 9-16 ports.
3. VLAN3 IP address. Ports 17-24.
Creating access list:
Step 1 - Select "ACL" and click on "Access Profile List".
Then click "Add ACL Profile" to create a new rule.

Step 2 - Specifying a "Profile ID" from 1-6.
Specify a name for the profile
Select "IPv4 ACL" to select the "type" rule will be created, click "Select".
Then click "Create" to confirm.

Step 3 - Creating a firewall rule:
Select the "Profile ID" created
Then click "Add / ViewRules" to add a rule.

Rule: Everyone has access to the server (IP:

You want to ensure that all VLANs have access to the server, whilst each VLAN can not communicate with the each other

1. default VLAN1 IP address Ports 1-8.
Server IP:
2. VLAN2 IP address 9-16 ports.
3. VLAN3 IP address. Ports 17-24.
Creating access list:
Step 1 - Select "ACL" and click on "Access Profile List".
Then click "Add ACL Profile" to create a new rule.

Step 2 - Specifying a "Profile ID" from 1-6.
Specify a name for the profile
Select "IPv4 ACL" to select the "type" rule will be created, click "Select".
Then click "Create" to confirm.

Step 3 - Creating a firewall rule:
Select the "Profile ID" created
Then click "Add / ViewRules" to add a rule.

Rule: Everyone has access to the server (IP: