How to Upgrade a Managed Access-Point via tftp and SSH - DWS-3160-Series

NOTE: This is a procedure in case upgrading via switch is unsuccesful


1) FW: DWL-8610_FW_v_4.3.0.2_B053.tar (Please always check our website for new release)
2) PuTTY -
3) Tftp Server (Install the “Standard Editiion” – depending on plataform 32 or 64 bit)

Step 1 – Download the firmware for the AP – In our example we have used the DLW-8610AP

Step 2 – Install and configure tftp server as follows:

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Current Directory: C:\Program Files\Tftpd32

Server interfaces: (This is the IP address to where the tftp server resides)

Step 3 – Transfer the firmware downloaded and place into the “Current Directory” 

In our example: C:\Program Files\Tftpd32

Step 4 – Enter the web GUI interface of the DWS-3160-24PC using its IP address in a web browser. In our example we have used the IP address of

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

You should be prompted with the login page – Login with your details (Our example was: admin and password: admin)

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Click “OK”

Step 5 – Change AP status to “Debug Mode” – You will need to identify the MAC address of the problematic AP

WLAN > Administration > AP Management > Advanced Settings

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Step 6 – Click the link against the MAC address you want to manually upgrade under “Debug”

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Click “Enabled” then enter the password – In this example we have used “admin” as the password. You will also need to remember the IP Address

Click “Apply”

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Click “OK”

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Click “Refresh”

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Step 7 – Once the “Debug” status shows “Enabled” then open PuTTY and configure as follows:

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Once completed above, click “Open”

Step 8 – You should be prompted to login as follows:

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

login as: admin

admin@'s password: admin (as per Step 6)

Once you have successfully logged in, type the following command:

DLINK-WLAN-AP# firmware-upgrade tftp://

You need to enter the FULL file with extension:

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH
DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

You should see the following screen to illustrate the tftp transfer is in progress 

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Step 9 – Due to this is a SSH connection and not Console, the session you have with PuTTy will have terminated and no screen feedback will be shown on the progress. 

To check when the upgrade has completed go to “Advanced Settings”

WLAN > Administration > AP Management > Advanced Settings

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Click “Refresh” until the “Debug” status shows “Disabled” NOTE: The AP will disappear from the above list… the AP is in “Reboot” Mode and will return.

Once you have the above status “Disabled”, then the AP has successfully been upgraded. 

Step 10 – To confirm this, you may go to “Managed AP Status”

WLAN > Monitoring > Access Point > Managed AP Status

DWS 3160 Upgrade a Managed Access Point via tftp and SSH

Rank: 1.5

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  • How to Upgrade a Managed Access-Point via tftp and SSH - DWS-3160-Series Read Answer